Meet Moja: The Adorable New Lion Cub at Fort Worth Zoo

Photos: Fort Worth Zoo

A Must-See for Texas Animal Lovers

Hey family! We’ve got some roaring good news to share straight from the Fort Worth Zoo. 🦁

Guess what? The zoo family has a new, adorable member – a male lion cub, the first to be born there since 2015! This little guy entered the world on October 20, 2023, at 5:37 p.m., making proud parents out of Saba and Jabulani. They’ve named him Moja, which means “one” in Swahili – quite fitting for Saba’s first cub!

Moja’s been a bit of a behind-the-scenes star, spending the past few months bonding with Mom and getting all the care he needs from the devoted keepers. It’s amazing to see how much he’s grown. From a tiny 2.7 pounds at just four days old, he now weighs a whopping 16 pounds! He’s already showing off his lion skills, playfully nibbling at mom and exploring his den.

Saba is rocking her role as a first-time mom, ensuring Moja gets all the love, play, and care a little lion needs. And while Moja hasn’t yet met his dad Jabulani or Abagabe, the other adult female, those family introductions are on the horizon.

Video: Fort Worth Zoo

Here’s a cool fact: The Fort Worth Zoo is part of a vital breeding program that’s all about keeping the lion population thriving and genetically diverse. Moja’s birth is a big win for conservation, especially since African lions are considered a vulnerable species.

Now, you must be wondering when you can see this bundle of fur. Well, Moja’s still prepping for his big debut in the zoo’s Predators of Asia & Africa habitat. The zoo team is making sure he’s ready to handle the new environment, including those tricky water features. Keep your eyes peeled on the Zoo’s social media and website for updates, photos, and the much-anticipated announcement of his public debut.

Can’t wait to catch a glimpse of Moja? Plan your visit to the Fort Worth Zoo and experience the wonder yourself. For all things related to Texas zoos and aquariums, remember to stay tuned to Let’s support our local zoos and meet our new furry friend, Moja! 🐾

Visit the Fort Worth Zoo

#MeetMoja #FortWorthZoo #TexasZoos 🦁💕

A Remarkable Start to the New Year

Celebrating the First Babirusa Birth at San Antonio Zoo

As the vibrant state of Texas ushers in a new year full of hope and excitement, we at are elated to share a heartwarming story from San Antonio Zoo. The zoo, a jewel in Texas’ wildlife conservation efforts, has achieved a significant milestone with the birth of its first babirusa, a unique and vulnerable species.

Babirusas, with their distinctive curved tusks and intriguing appearance, have been a part of San Antonio Zoo’s diverse animal collection since 1998. Native to Indonesia’s tropical forests, these animals are recognized as vulnerable by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The zoo’s achievement in successfully breeding babirusas contributes significantly to the global efforts in preserving this unique species.

Tim Morrow, President & CEO of San Antonio Zoo, expressed his joy over this special addition, remarking on the babirusa’s unconventional charm that has already started to captivate hearts. The zoo’s dedicated team has showcased exceptional skill and care, especially in aiding first-time mother Sula, in ensuring the health and safety of the newborn.



This birth is more than just a new life; it symbolizes San Antonio Zoo’s unwavering dedication to animal conservation and education. The successful delivery of this babirusa is a beacon of hope and a testament to the zoo’s expertise in wildlife care and preservation.

For now, the zoo’s priority remains the well-being of the mother and her baby. As they bond and the little one grows stronger, the zoo promises regular updates on their progress, including the much-anticipated public debut. These updates can be followed on San Antonio Zoo’s social media channels.

We at invite you to join us in celebrating this momentous occasion. Stay tuned for more updates on this adorable babirusa and other exciting happenings at the San Antonio Zoo in 2024. Together, let’s support and cherish the incredible wildlife diversity our Texas zoos work tirelessly to protect.